Thursday, July 23, 2015

Trump's Truth

When I was trying to understand why Donald Trump, one of the seventeen, or by now eighteen, Republican presidential candidates would do and say the things he's, well, doing and saying, it occurred to me that he is simply Not Being a Politician. Politicians have a reputation for saying what they think the populace wants to hear. Trump is not doing that; he is speaking his truth...truth as he perceives it. This thought took me back to Gustave Flaubert, the nineteenth-century French author who said, "There is no truth; there is only perception of the truth." Gustave died sooner than he should have because he put his wally dinger places he shouldn't have because he didn't know the truth about syphilis. But, I digress.

Donald Trump is not compromising his beliefs in order to please others. As he tromps across sensitive feelings, tramples sacred military ground, and shoots sharp verbal darts at those who disagree with him, he is making people stand up and take notice. That's a good thing. We, the citizens of the United States of America, still have a pulse. But can we be saved?

What The Donald is saying is the truth: Trump's Truth. Trump knows exactly what he is doing. But, what do I know? I'm just a little old lady from the mountains of North Carolina who likes to ramble on and on...usually with no one listening.  I don't know what is inside the mind of Donald Trump. I can only guess that 1) He is being true to what he believes no matter how ridiculous it may sound...

or 2) he has an alternative motive.


First Row (Right to Left)

Carly Fiorina, businesswoman
Mike Huckabee, Former governor of Arkansas
Rick Perry, Former governor of Texas
Chris Christie, Governor of New Jersey
Lindsay Graham, Senator of South Carolina
Jeb Bush, Former governor of Florida

Second Row (Right to Left)

Rick Santorum, Former Senator from Pennsylvania
Rand Paul, Senator from Kentucky
Dr. Ben Carson, Neurosurgeon from Florida
Bobby Jindal, Governor of Louisiana
Mark Everson, Former IRS Commissioner*
Mario Rubio, Senator from Florida
Ted Cruz, Senator from Texas

Third Row (Right to Left)
(Those arriving late must go to the back.)

Jim Gilmore, Former Governor of Virginia
John Kasich, Governor of Ohio
George Pataki, Former Governor of New York
Scott Walker, Govenor of Wisconsin


Donald Trump

As of today, July 23rd, there are now eighteen Republican candidates vying for the President's seat.

*As of August 5th, Mark Everson is running but he is not being recognized as a viable candidate, so that makes the number of Republican candidates seventeen.

To see the rest of the blog, search for "The Ramblings of an Aging Baby Boomer."