Thursday, March 28, 2013

Somebody Up There Needs Me

Up early.  Can't sleep.  Coffee is brewing (thank you, Tom).  Maggie Mae can't sleep either because she's seen my suitcase by the door, and she knows sumpins up.  We're going to Indy today because somebody up there needs me.

Check list for trip:

1.  Pack Jason's dinner for tonight in the cooler and put in trunk.
2.  Don't forget Julie's birthday present.
3.  Call Judy about building a bookshelf for her.
4.  Visit Mother everyday in the nursing home.
5.  Prepare Mother's taxes.
6.  Check with Amy to see if she needs me.
7.  Does Cathy need a tree cut down?
8.  What about Maggie?  Does she need anything?
9.  Can Harold use my help?
10.  Call Jason to let him know I'm coming to Indy.
11.  Change last sentence on yesterday's post to read:
     "I need to be needed, and I hope that's okay."

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