Sunday, March 3, 2013


Their look is one of bewilderment or confusion or kinda like a deer caught in headwind.  When they start looking around the room to see if anyone else is understanding what I'm talking about, I will often times resort to analogies.  I love analogies, especially when I'm communicating with someone who is, well, not the brightest card in the deck.


Making a comparison between two things (that
have something in common with each other) for
the purpose of clarity and to avoid any confusion 
caused by the inability of the communicator to
communicate effectively without using analogies.

                                                                         - Wikidikipedia 

My brother Bob uses analogies all the time.  But I think he just likes to hear himself talk.  Just kidding, Bob.   Don't be upset with me because I said you are enamored with hearing your own voice.   It was just a joke, Bob.  It's kinda like two comedians standing on a stage.  One is straight (I don't mean heterosexual; it's okay if the straight one is gay.)  The other has all of the funny lines.  In this case, Bob, you're the gay guy--I mean the straight guy.  And I'm the one with the funny lines, like "My brother Bob likes to hear himself talk."  Kinda like that, Bob.  It was a joke.  Okay, it wasn't funny.  It was just an analogy.

Jason likes to use analogies, too, but he saves them for conflict resolution.  At a tipping point in a disagreement (when he's losing ground) he'll dig deep into his "Gotta-Win-at-All-Costs" bag to find the perfect analogy to defeat his opponent.  Since he was fifteen, I've lost every argument I've had with my son.  Once he introduces the tie-breaking analogy, I'm defeated.  For example, last year when I was helping him paint his living room trim, he said I was using the wrong brush.  No. I. Was. Not! I said. Yes! Mom! You! Are! he shot back.  Without raising my voice or blood pressure, I reminded him that I had six decades of painting experience, and I did not need to be told how to paint trim. Disagreement over.  I won.  Not so fast, Miss Paint Expert!   It's kinda like this.  If you had a 6.7L power stroke V8 Turbo diesel Ford 250 truck, would you put bicycle tires on it or 12-16.5LT ribbed tread Goodyear with high traction?

I lost the argument. I was winning until Jason reached inside his "Gotta-Win-at-All-Costs" bag and pulled out that damn truck.  I was like a deer caught in headwind.  Confused.  Bewildered.  What did he just say?  It was obvious I was not the brightest card in the deck, so I turned in my 1/2" paint brush and headed over to the mall for a Frappuccino and Cinnabon.

I love analogies.

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