Well, hello there. Allow me to introduce myself. I am "The Fly" in all of Carol Louise's drawings. Have you seen me? Most of the time I just hang out, not bugging anyone. I'm just an extra in the life & times of the drawings' creator. She's my creator too, for without her I wouldn't be here right now talking to you humans about something very important--even I with a tiny fly brain know this--yet many adults can't focus past their own self-absorption to see it.
What "it" is is raising up children to believe they are loved without conditions, raising them to know that they are special even though they may be different, and raising them with their best interest at the center of every day's agenda. If your self interests keep you from doing these three simple things, then 1) don't become baby mommas and daddies, and 2) don't step in front of mommies and daddies to assume control of such an important job: raising up children. STOP! Step away from the child!