Depending upon which scientists you ask, homo sapiens have been around for 70,000 to 100,000 years, give or take 25,000. If you do the math, that means that to date there have been over 100,000,000,000--
that's one hundred BILLION--of us born. Subtract 7,000,000,000 from that number--that's how many of us are still here--and what's left are a whole lot of people who have been here, done that, gone now. That's 93,000,000,000, give or take a few billion, who are no longer with us, yet they have one thing in common with us:
No one gets out of this world alive. (If you started to count 93,000,000,000 right now, you would be done counting in 2,976 years.)
Why am I telling you this, you ask? Well, that is a very good question. Thanks for asking. I have heard that you have been very unhappy about something that is happening to you, something that is a very natural part of living: the aging process. Sometimes, putting life events into perspective helps. Let's give it a try, shall we?
To take your situation and then compare it with
billions of others who have experienced and are
experiencing the exact same situation, and then with
the help of this perspective, you can see that your
situation is not unique to just you, and what
is happening is not all that unusual...or bad.
I wanted to share
Perspective with you because, over the years, it has helped me navigate through some very challenging times. When I step back from my self-absorption, my center-of-the-universe mindset, I can see that it's not always all about me. We are all in this together. You, me, that person over yonder, and all the people everywhere. Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow. We are homo sapiens, human beings, a unique, one-of-a-kind species--the only one on earth with a brain capable of complex thinking and a soul with a conscience. From the beginning, all one hundred billion of us have shared the same needs, desires, and feelings. We may all look different, but we are the same.
LIAR! LIAR! Pants on fyyyyeeeer!
Okay, I lied. We're not all in this together. It's a dog-eat-dog world; every man for herself. We live in a shallow, fickle world where youth and beauty matter over substance and wisdom. I was just trying to use perspective to help you feel better about your situation: Ya know, your deteriorating body, brain shrinkage, and imminent demise. But I can see that perspective isn't helping. You're still frowning or is that just sagging jowls? Oh, I'm sorry. Have I hurt your feelings? Would it make you feel better if I told you that you're not alone? There are 7,000,000,000 people in the world right now. Half are women. That's 3.5 billion. One billion of those women are no longer young and have lost the world's lusty focus. That's one billion little old ladies sharing your exact same situation. Isn't that comforting? You're one in a billion. Now don't you feel better? What? No?
Okay, then.
Never mind.