I'm dead. At least if she has her way, I'm dead. She hates me and I feel I've done nothing to deserve her ire. She won't accept me for who I am, and I don't know how to change to please her. She's never actually said it to me, but I can tell by the way she looks at me she thinks I'm the scurge of the earth. Me. The scurge of the earth. Now that hurts. She's obsessed with killing me, so I'm telling you that if something happens to me, it's her. She did it. She murdered me.
I just want to be close. Is that a sin? I'm touchy, feely. It's my nature. I love to tickle her cute little nose, nuzzle against her ear, play with her hair. We even eat from the same plate. She says I bug her. I invade her space.
They say opposites attract. That is sooooo true in my case, but not for her. I like being with her but over time, she's grown to hate me. Did I mention she wants me gone? Not just a "see ya later gator, bye bye now sucker, adios amigo" gone. She's contemplating murder.
I pooped in her French Onion soup today. I didn't think she saw me, but she did. I hurried away but then I could see she was really, really mad so I came back and she tried to smack me. Now is that nice?
I have a feeling my days on this earth are short. In fact, she could do me in today. I need to stay clear. Take cover. Fly under the radar. Hide from this crazy woman. If only I were a fly on the wall, I could watch her every move.
Wait a minute! I am a fl...SPLAAAAAT!!
Another perspective
Welcome to Western North Carolina...Trout Central!
14 years ago